Category Archives: NCAA Helmets


Hawaii Rainbow Warrior Concepts Part II

I did an update on the sweet Rainbow Warrior uni a few weeks ago. These are those same uniforms but in green and black not the white on white like I did the first time.

Helmet Concepts    Logo  Rainbow Field  Helmets Part II

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Armed Forces USAF, ARMY, NAVY, MARINES Football Uniform Concepts

NCAA Helmets        NFL Helmet


Original LAX Versions

These started out as lacrosse uniform ideas for a project I was working on but the guy that had final say on that project didn’t like the idea. So, I took the work and made them into football uniforms for the Service Academies Army, Navy, and  Air Force.

I saw a few questions online. So, here are a few answers.

Yes, I know the Marines do not have their own academy. The original project the four team themes were already picked for four high schools to wear. I kept the Marines because Navy could still wear them or any team wanting to do a military theme for that matter. The medical theme on Army was because the original project was going to give a donation to the Wounded Warrior Project. So, the medic treatment was a hat tip to the service that all the doctors, nurses, etc provide to all the wounded service men and women.

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Michigan State Spartans Prepare For Glory Helmet


Michigan State Helmets 

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Minnesota Golden Gophers

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