Tag Archives: SB49

Pat Tillman Tribute Helmet & Patch Let’s Make It Happen

Less than 24 hours ago I did some concept patch/decals for to honor the 10 year Anniversary of the passing of American Hero Pat Tillman. You can view the logos and the helmets I made by clicking here.

Today I went about tweeting out my idea to Jake Plummer, Larry Fitzgerald, Bruce Arians, and Derrick Hall. I was surprised at how fast Jake tweeted me back. I explained to him how I thought Pat Tillman needed a memorial patch that was more than the standard black circle. I tweeted Jake these pictures.

tillman 7

tillman tribute helmet



Jake loved the helmets and asked how he could help.








It was pointed out on twitter that the weekend of 11/8 11/9 is the only weekend both teams are home and it is also the weekend before Veteran’s day